Anorexia and other Eating Disorders: How to help your child eat well and be well: Practical skills for family-based treatment, compassionate communication tools and emotional support for parents of children and teenagers: Practical Solutions, Compassionate Communication Tools and Emotional Support for Parents of Children and Teenagers

Książka w miękkiej okładce
Kategoria: Zaburzenia odżywiania i terapia
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Cena regularna: 38.79 EUR (ok. 160.59 zł)
Rabat: -1 %
Cena internetowa: 38.29 EUR (ok. 158.52 zł)
(aktualizacja cen dnia 28.12.2024)

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Wraz z niniejszą książką, polecamy również następujące tytuły:

8 Keys to Recovery from an Eating Disorder
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Survive FBT: Skills Manual for Parents Undertaking Family Based Treatment (FBT) for Child and Adolescent Anorexia Nervosa
Cena: 50.96 zł
When Your Teen Has an Eating Disorder
Cena: 62.89 zł
Help Your Teenager Beat an Eating Disorder
Cena: 72.95 zł

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How Much Does Your Soul Way: Diet-free Solutions to Your Food, Weight and Body Worries


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Treatment of Eating Disorders: Bridging the Research-practice Gap


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Treatment of Eating Disorders: Bridging the Research-Practice Gap: Bridging the Research-practice Gap


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Compulsive Eating Behavior and Food Addiction: Emerging Pathological Constructs


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Exposure Therapy for Eating Disorders


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If Your Adolescent Has an Eating Disorder: An Essential Resource for Parents


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Eating Disorders


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A Guide to Assessments That Work


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The Oxford Handbook of Eating Disorders


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Handbook of Positive Body Image and Embodiment: Constructs, Protective Factors, and Interventions


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The Psychology of Bulimia Nervosa: A Cognitive Perspective


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The Cult of Thinness


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If Your Adolescent Has an Eating Disorder: An Essential Resource for Parents


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If Your Adolescent Has an Eating Disorder: An Essential Resource for Parents


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Mastery of Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder: A Cognitive-behavioral Approach


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Overcoming Your Eating Disorder: A Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy Approach for Bulimia Nervosa and Binge-Eating Disorder, Workbook


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Overcoming Eating Disorders: A Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy Approach for Bulimia Nervosa and Binge-Eating Disorder, Therapist Guide


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The Oxford Handbook of Eating Disorders


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Understanding Eating Disorders: Conceptual and Ethical Issues in the Treatment of Anorexia and Bulimia Nervosa


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