Human Rights and Empire: The Political Philosophy of Cosmopolitanism: The Political Philosophy of Cosmopolitanism

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Cena internetowa: 218.95 EUR (ok. 907.65 zł)
(aktualizacja cen dnia 28.01.2025)

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Wraz z niniejszą książką, polecamy również następujące tytuły:

Politics, Postmodernity and Critical Legal Studies : The Legality of the Contingent
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Law and the Image
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Human Rights and Empire : The Political Philosophy of Cosmopolitanism
Cena: 236.91 zł
New Critical Legal Thinking: Law and the Political
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Książki z kategorii Art Restoration

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Corrosion and Conservation of Cultural Heritage Metallic Artefacts


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Monuments Men: Allied Heroes, Nazi Thieves and the Greatest Treasure Hunt in History


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Antiquities: What Everyone Needs to Know (R)


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Lasers in the Conservation of Artworks VIII: Proceedings of the International Conference on Laser in Conservation of Artworks VIII (LACONA VIII), 21-15 September 2009, Sibiu, Romania


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Re-Collection: Art, New Media, and Social Memory


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Deaccessioning and Its Discontents: A Critical History


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The Acquisition and Exhibition of Classical Antiquities: Professional, Legal, and Ethical Perspectives


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Power and Posterity: American Art at Philadelphia's 1876 Centennial Exhibition


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Representing Africa in American Art Museums: A Century of Collecting and Display


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Pokaż szczegόły

Conservation Research 1995


Cena: 42.66 EUR
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Conservation Research 1996/1997


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Pokaż szczegόły

National Gallery Technical Bulletin


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Pokaż szczegόły

National Gallery Technical Bulletin


Cena: 42.66 EUR
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Art, Biology, and Conservation: Biodeterioration of Works of Art


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From William Morris: Building Conservation and the Arts and Crafts Cult of Authenticity, 1877-1939


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